- Click on picture to enlarge.
. I precisely stitch to the exact gun you select. Having said that... years from now just about every material will inevitably stretch and the tension device will be handy to re-firm the tension on the gun to the level you wish/need. I realize that it isn't necessary for several years however I build it in case you need it.
- Click on picture to enlarge.
- It doesn't get more wet-fitted (boned) than this... However depending on your profession and the fact that your retension level varies with your job and or gun type we put in place a tension screw incase you need it. Again it is not necessary for quite some time. We take the time to put it in place for the day you will or desire to have more draw tension.

- Click on picture to enlarge. . This photo illustrates the need for a tension screw from the get-go. You take a top-heavy gun with little mass inside the leather below the belt line and you can clearly see the reason for having the tension device. If you get into a fight or someone tries to grab the small pistol the tension device will make a huge difference in retension. It would be cheaper and far easier to not put this in place however I do feel it is necessary.
- Click on picture to enlarge. . An outside waistband holster with a retension device installed just incase you want to firm up the tension as the years go by and want to have a snug fit for life.

- Click on picture to enlarge. . I also decide not to put them on certain holsters as per customers request. Especially if they are not as concerned with concealed carry or are not in law-enforcement.

- Click on picture to enlarge. . This holster is is extremely well fitted/boned and properly stitched. However, over time the leather will stretch and the fit can't be adjusted then. So we do use tension devices for the future use of your holster. Think of it like an insurance policy for years later. If you desire not to have the tension device let me know and it will save me time.