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Ostrich leg skin trim.-

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We pay special attention to the final finish.
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Paying attention to detail and quality is not something we compromise.
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Exotic Crocodile and Bullfrog blended together for a true custom look.
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Pay close attention to the fit and finish, the edges blended with wax and the precise stitching that matches the very well moded holster to the Ruger SR9c
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Notice how tightly molded and stitched the holster is. Not many makers are at this level of precise quality. I have been at this for over 17 years.
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Close detail fo the Srpingfield XDM leather holsters.
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This is a technique that I do to ensure you have the best holster. There are many tips and secrets to holster making that I have mastered after over 17 years,
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This custom leather holster is made from horsehide and black lizard.
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We precisely stitch to the exact gun you select for a TRUE CUSTOM FIT!
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Stitching a western gun belt!
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We precisely stitch and fit exotic skin if chosen.
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The edges of our belts and holsters are done this way.

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Hard core line. Using special leather and loops..
- Click on picture to enlarge. Really neat looking Ostrich Leg Skin with linen color thread for contrast.
- Click on picture to enlarge. Really neat looking Ostrich Leg Skin with linen color thread for contrast.

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Our belts are finished like this regardless of color. -

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We use a special finish that gives depth and beauty to leather.
- Click on picture to enlarge. Custom M-5 Aspis hoslter with Caiman Crocodile trim.
- Click on picture to enlarge. Custom M-11 hoslter with matching M20C mag pouch with Shark Skin Trim.
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- Stitching a belt holster with the best polyester thread available.
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- Trimming off the extra leather from the lining below. We use thick leather for the belt and liner, no shortcuts.
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- Perfect sanding is done after any two pieces of leather have been stitched together.
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- More edging, notice how accurate the stitch line is! We try hard to ensure every step is perfect.
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- Custom IWB holster done in Bullfrog exotic skin.
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- Ostrich leg skin custom with matching belt.
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- Edging (rounding) the edges is important to a quality leather item. We do it the "old fashioned way", by hand.
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- Using the proper size edger to achieve a perfectly rounded edge on all of our holsters by hand.
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- Brown stitching looks very appealing on black leather.
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- Using Ostrich hide for holster trim pieces and belt loops.
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- We can do a veriety of exotic skins on holsters and belts. Ostrich, shark, lizzard, gator, croc, ostrich leg, bull frog, stingray and even chicken skin.
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- We precisely finish even the most difficult exotic skins. We learned to do so from some custom boot makers.
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- Burninshing the edge can be done several ways. We do it by machine and then finish it by hand.
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- Burnishing the edge of the holster.
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- Hand waxing is very important to the quality of a finished edge. Most saddles and quality leather is done this way.
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- After it has been waxed and burnished. A perfect edge can be achieved if you take the time and effort to make it just right.
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- Another picture of the edge.
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- Look at the edge on a western holster. It is thick and burnished and dressed to perfection the "old fashioned way".
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- The final edge after it has been hand finished. Yes it takes a little time but worth it. Some may use a quick method "to get by" but we don't think that is the best way.
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- Another belt and holster ready to be fitted and finished. Notice how precisely stitched the bullet looping is done. We use thick quality leather, no cheap stuff here!
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- A strap billet before it is sewn onto the western gun belt.
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- Hand edge-coating our concealment holsters puts a professional touch on the holster or belt.
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- Every one of our holsters and accessories are hand wet-fitted to the gun or magazine it is intended for. It takes time but is worth the quality. We do our very best on every item.
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- Hand oiling a western holster after it has dried and hardened into a rigid holster that will not collapse and will retain its shape for a very long time. This is not a flimsy or floppy holster or gun belt. We hope to do this for you
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- Close up of western strap billet
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- Close up shot illustrating an inside-waist-band holster.
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- This is the thick main seam (holster welt) of a western holster after it has been sanded after being glued and stitched.
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- Close up of a regular western holster.
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- What the suede lining looks like after being stitched on the inside.
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- We finish and paste and buff the interior of our un-lined holsters.
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- Close up detail of holster.
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- Some western gun belts just before being stitched.
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- Some shot-shell holders that are being finished.
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- Accurate stitching done on the industries best machines capable of stitching up to 1" thick leather.
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- One of the ways we ensure lasting strength by using kydex to reinforce the strap billet area.
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- More of the same
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- More...
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- Close up of how the area is stitched to ensure lasting strength.
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- What it looks like on the underside afterwards.
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- Completed and viewed from the top side.
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- Completed and viewed from the under side.
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- Detail detail...
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- Custom options if you desire.
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- An inside look at a finished product.
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- Cutting some leather for western gunleather.
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- An example of stitching up close.
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- Border stamping a western gun belt.
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- Border stamped holster band before oil and leather stain. Thsi is how the leather looks before hand finishing.
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- An inside shot of a holster that has been suede lined.
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- Another shot of a suede lined holster as opposed to an unlined holster.
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- Self explanatory!
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- Close view of a dress belt.
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- A border stamped western gunbelt and holster. Notice the contrast difference in the border stamping vs the smooth leather. This takes time and makes a big difference in how it looks.
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- Need and ostrich print rig? Very nice looking!
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- You can judge the details for yourself!
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- You can ask us for a custom belt buckle if you like!
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- It looks better in person but you get the idea from this picture.
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Extreme Close-Up
- Typical quality from our concealment holsters. Every piece of leather acts slighly different but we pride ourselves with quality craftsmanship.
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- Inside the waistband holster.
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- Back view of a cross draw holster.
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- Typical western rig with simple border tooling tastefully done.
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- Quality does take time and we don't apologize for it.
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- Stitched sight rails to protect the front sight when holster is completed.
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- Tooling a belt as per customer request.
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- A small of back holster for an excellent concealed carry option.
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- Suede lined paddle holster. Fit and function are as excellent as it looks... Very comfortable!
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- Quality up close on our cross-draw holster reinforced at the mouth and molded belt channel.
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- It looks better in person but you get anidea from this picture.
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- The very best in concealed carry magazine pouches.
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- Close up photo of an inside-waistband holstert. Very efficiant at concealing a medium to small framed semi-auto gun.
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- Our M-5 Holster
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- M-36 Holster fitted to a Walther PPK
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- Our exclusive product that we use to finish the interior so that it is smooth and slick.
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- Our M-11 Ultimate C.C.H. holster. This is the ultimate in concealment especially in larger autos.
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- Typical quality of our western gunleather. We use only the best materials and bench make them one at a time.
Not many makers show their work this close!!!
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- Close up shot of the M-37 C.C.H.2 holster. Note the fit and finish and fine stitching.
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- We treat the flesh side of our belt keepers for IWB holsters to make them superior & long lasting.
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- Using the same product on certain peices keeps sweat from penetrating through onto your gun when wearing an IWB holster on hot days.